Friday, April 27, 2012

Wild Things

Happy Friday friends. I don't have much for you today just a little something.

It's been since early February since I've been to Hobby Lobby. Earlier this week we made a trip. I wasn't looking for any particular fabric, just seeing if anything caught my eye. That's usually how my fabric shopping trips work. I walk around and wait until I see something that I know I want to use. I get a gut feeling that I can't leave without that fabric or I'll only think about it until I get it.

I kept looking and looking. I kept going back to the animal prints. I've always liked animal prints and even did a few small projects when I first got my machine. I just couldn't figure our what I would do with animal prints when NOTHING I've been sewing lately has been this style.

Then I found two other pieces to match that were even more out of my element. But I went with it and had a slight vision in my head of something that could be awesome. I knew I had to get them.

I don't know how it happened but it turned into this.

And I love it!

The end. 


  1. I am in awe of my new clutch! It is PERFECT!

  2. Looks awesome! I mean PURR-fect. hehe.

  3. I love it too! The fabrics go so well together, very chic :)
