Saturday, April 21, 2012

Exploring Memphis

Okay, okay. I was quick to judge. Really quick to judge. But today despite adding two more roaches to the talley, we decided to explore a little bit of downtown. I essentially was going to go for a coffee run and to drop a few things off at FedEx alone but changed my mind when I found myself packing a small defense mechanism in my purse. This chick is packing. Okay not really but I think that would make this story a little more interesting. It was a small pocket knife. Anyway, I invited my roommate and the toddler to join.  

Before I begin.. let me just update you on what it's really like meeting a fellow blogger in person. We made plans to go to the baseball game together, convenient for me I know, and it had been raining on and off all day. I tried to back out, cause I hate rain delays but my fellow blogger convinced me that hanging out in the rain could be fun. So I went.  We didn't plan very well. I was trying to find a girl with the red rose pinned to her jacket when I realized I never told her to wear a red rose. Instead I just began looking around and I felt like a creeper. Then alas we found one another and it was like seeing a long lost friend you haven't seen ever. I don't know if she felt as funny as I did (only for a little bit). Usually when you meet someone new you talk and get to know one another. Since we read each others blogs that part was already taken care of. Insert cricket chirps here. Okay not really we had a great time chatting about previous jobs, which we have all had in the sports industry, and our favorite spots in Memphis that need to be checked out. The game ended up being cancelled. We plan to meet up again soon without rain hopefully and I'm looking forward to it. If you have opportunities to meet up with your online friends - DO IT! Okay sorry for being rude and not introducing you, my new friend is Alyssa from Ten Feet Off Beale. If you have time you should check her out. No, check her out even if you don't have time. She is a Jersey girl turned southerner. I guess the south is easy to love.

Happy to meet one another finally...
sad it rained on our parade game.

Back to Memphis' good side and the coffee and FedEx trip. After we got our coffee we went to the top of The Peabody hotel. It's a pretty significant tourist point in Memphis and worth checking out the view from the top.

The Mighty Mississippi

The Peabody

The Mr's Office

The Peabody Lobby

The Peabody Ducks

Memphis Brewfest - always something going on downtown.
That's just a few reasons why I enjoy Memphis. We plan to keep exploring and discovering the fun historical parts of the city and of course I'll share them with you.


  1. how fun!!! I love the look of the city!! i want to go one day!!

    love K

  2. How fun! I love Memphis. Just found your blog through Ten Feet Off Beale - new follower.


  3. I've only ever driven through Memphis and it always smells like BBQ to me... Though I think that's only because I've always heard good things about Memphis' BBQ haha. But, maybe it really does smell like BBQ? You'll have to let me know :)

    Also I feel like I've missed out on so many great posts because I keep expecting Blogger to post your posts in its updated feed and yet it hasn't for awhile now? I'm just going to have to keep checking back regularly on my own since it's just not cutting it.
