Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Blueprints & Instagram

and happy Thursday!!

Have I mentioned lately how much I hate that Picnik will be no more after April 19.  How else am I going to compose these apartment blue prints for you? Also I better warn you there isn't much to this post but I just thought I'd document so I can remember years from now what some of our apartments were like. 

I find it comical that our internet is sparse around here. Do you see the red star? That's where most of my internet work gets done. Blogging, photo editing, adding new products, Pinterest, you name it. The first few weeks I sat out on the patio. The more I was out there, the more little bugs decided to start biting my ankles.  I do not like itchy legs one bit.It was somewhat ridiculous, and warm, sitting outside with socks and pants on in Florida. 

I moved on inside to the bottom of our stairwell (red star). I feel kinda creepy cause the neighbor has a date on the patio and I can hear them chatting. Oh well. It's cute too because BD will go play on the iPad and say things like, "I'm going to get on the internet for awhile," like he is leaving the apartment. It's the closest thing we have to another room. Randomly we can occasionally pick up the WiFi from our couch, only when our neighbor leaves the sliding door open while she is sitting out there. Weird huh? 

I've become extremely behind on blog reading and writing. Sometimes I feel like I'm in timeout sitting on the stairs so I haven't been excited to come sit and write here.

In other randomness...

I'm going to attempt making this skirt this week/weekend from Cotton Lane. She has wonderful tutorials and I really want to try them all.  

Instagram is currently my favorite iPhone app. Follow me larnlevydickson. If you do it's like getting little  friendly love notes randomly. Here are some of my favorites. It's become a daily thing to give my followers something positive, encouraging, or funny. I tried the photo-a-day challenges and I had to quit. I was tired of hunting  for photos to take. So now I'm doing this instead. I love it, hope you do too!

Own your Wednesday...

I dare you...

A reminder from The Help...

I hope YOU had... 

Do it. I dare you. 

That's all from Florida for now. I am going to try, try, try and get better posting and reading.

P.S Only 23 days until #hungergames. Just saying.


  1. I want to cry knowing we only have a month and a half left!

  2. i'm picturing you by the red dot right now! hehe. can i just say how awesome you are? i love these prints. and your clutches and how creative you are! you are totally your own person outside of your hubby playing baseball and i love that :) i think its SO important for a girl to not lose themselves in the relationship or have it define them, I see it all too often! xooxo!

  3. I tried the photo a day thing last year, but gave up pretty early on. Like you said, it's hard to search for things some days. Sometimes I'm just not inspired.

    The picnik thing is sad. Let me know if you find something equally as cool. My flicker account will probably become pointless. Ugh.

    I hope you're doing well in Florida. Soak up some sun for me please! Even just a little. It's been pretty cloudy around here.
