Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Two Years & A Giveaway!

Congratulations Michelle. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy your goodies! 

Winner was chosen via Random.org 

Time flies when you're having fun blogging! 

I've been writing this blog for two whole years. So much has changed since then her on the blog. I've changed names several times, oops probably not the best idea. I've designed my own layout and icons. (Still needing help with feedburner if anyone is knowledgeable). I've made some excellent blogging friends that I feel like I've met them. I have posted about a larger variety of topics including wedding planning, recipes, moving, Brandon's career, and more. It's been fun!!

When I started blogging I wasn't concerned with photos and presentation or even my writing style. As I've grown, and this blog has grown, these things have developed and become a passion of mine. I enjoy taking pictures of EVERYTHING, then try to hide it, and still get weird looks from the mr. I'm sure we'll be getting over that soon. I know I'll enjoy every picture I take even if its just of my shoes, fabric swatch, or him sleeping. HeHe. 

I love sharing our life with you, mostly the highlights and the crafty parts but I've stared sharing some of the knitty gritty. Lessons in marriage. Loss. Genetics or lack there of. I'm slowly starting to open up more and more. I'm looking forward to many more years of writing and sharing. 

I love to document our life and the changes we are going through. In just a few short weeks we will be packing up, again, and heading south to Florida for spring training. This will be BRAND NEW to me and I can't wait. Then the season begins and that too will be a new experience for us. Of course I'll do my best to keep you up to date about all of it!

If you're new to Lauren Darlings I can't do a full recap of the last two years but my highlights of 2011 is a good place to start. It captures some of my favorite posts and projects and a little bit about who am I and why I blog. I also encourage you to start a blog too. It's a great online diary of life and a good way to remember important memories and milestones in life.

Now for the giveaway portion of the post. YIPPIE!! As a thank you to my new and old readers I'd like to giveaway something special. This beautiful cosmetic bag made by yours truly. Isn't that fabric dreamy? I have a major crush on it. But..... that's not all. Inside will be some goodies and you won't know what they are until you win. I promise they will be good!  I do appreciate all the sweet comments and support along the way - THANK YOU!

bag measures 10x5

To enter this mystery giveaway you must be a follower of Lauren Darlings and leave me a comment about whatever your lil heart desires.

For extra entries: (make sure you comment for each extra...)

Follow @larnlevy on Twitter
Like Lauren Darlings via Facebook
Tweet about this mystery giveaway

Giveaway ends this SUNDAY January 29 at midnight. 
Thanks again for reading - you all are the best!


  1. hi! new follower, i found your blog from chelsea's tweet... congrats on two years of blogging! looking forward to reading your blog!

  2. Lauren this is adorable! I have loved loved loved getting to know you and I talk about you to my hubs like we are real life friends. :) that bag is to die for! I wish we could sew together!

  3. congrats on your milestone!!! and that bag is amazing!! youre so good at making things!

    oh and I'm a follower:)

  4. and i re-tweeted about your giveaway! i never win. but i hope you get lots of love! happy TWO years my dear!!!

  5. I'm a new follower and I love that bag! :)
    Just dropping by from Hollie's linkup. :)


  6. i am a follower. :)
    thanks for sharing!
    littlegray88 at yahoo dot com

  7. i follow via twitter
    littlegray88 at yahoo dot com

  8. Alright, Facebook like, check! (I already did)
    Follow Twitter, check (You might be the only non-news Twitter person I follow... though I found a few more as I explored.)
    And a comment here, check!
    I'm all ready to win the bag!
    I feel a little bad entering, since I won a headband at one time. But if I didn't enter I would be kicking myself because the bag is freakin' adorable!

  9. yay! congrats on your blog-iversary! I follow you !

  10. I follow you on Twitter :) @TheyCallHerMeg

  11. I tweeted about it! https://twitter.com/#!/TheyCallHerMeg/status/162291420055617538

  12. Love the bag! I of course follow your blog :)

  13. I follow Lauren Darlings on facebook.

  14. Congratulations on your 2 year blogiversary!! Woo hoo! I absolutely love that little cosmetic bag you made. You are very talented. :) I'm a follower and look forward to reading more!!

  15. I also follow you on twitter! ;)

  16. I tweeted about your fab giveaway! https://twitter.com/lainguage/status/164225948588326912
