Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Semi Fail

As promised.. my first semi fail.
See I found this adorable bag on Pinterest - duh where else - and knew I had to try it.

Pinned Image

Now that I have a sewing machine I decided what better way to start than with something I've admired from afar that looks relatively simple. I can read and follow directions so I didn't think this would be too difficult and it wasn't. I started this project knowing it wouldn't be perfect but just to figure out what my weaknesses and strengths are. Now I said I could follow directions I just chose to skip some on purpose. I knew from the beginning I didn't have intentions of this pouch actually being of any use. 

  • I used the wrong color thread. Not really a big deal on practice items.
  • I skipped the lining process. big deal I chose to save this for later lesson.
  • I  didn't have velcro or a flex frame to actually close the bag - skipped it. 
  • The whole project turned out smaller than I thought. I can adjust im the future to make bigger.
  • My peek-a-boos (pleats) turned out pretty good, will definitely try again.

I learned those lessons that's the best part about this. I wasn't even bummed that it didn't turn out perfect. Sometimes you learn more from the semi fails. I skipped the lining because I wasn't 100% sure how to do it. I've since done lots of research online and now found resources so I know how to line a pouch.Tonight I will be attempting just that - a lined zipper pouch - for my cosmetics. Wish me luck.

Ps. That IS my favorite nail color ever -- Geranium by Essie. If they every discontinue it, I'll be crushed!


  1. DUDE!I think it's adorable =) For a first project...I call it a win.

  2. I'm totally impressed! Who cares about the inside, the outside looks great.

  3. I was totally going to compliment your nails. So pretty!
    And the bag rocks. I love the peekaboos. Excellent!
