Sunday, January 15, 2012

Love Affair and Treat Sacks

I never told you how our first date ended. 
Well we are madly in love. 
And we will be heading home tomorrow..arm in arm. 

I was ready to sew instantly and sew I did. Haha.
My mom was taught to sew on old flour sacks.
Sure enough, I learned the same way. 
I hemmed all four edges and it was a little rough.
But the practice was good and I can tell my kids someday how I was taught, just like her.

I wanted something harder, more of a challenge.
An apron. I watched mostly but did sew several of the pieces together. 
It became a bit tricky so I let mom finish it & don't consider this my first project.
Then I lowered my expectations just a tad.

I started a project on my own and I'm a  little extremely excited about them.
I hit the fabric store to pick out something new.
I found myself touching every bolt of fabric in sight. 
I can see this being a problem in the future. I wanted it ALL.

I settled for a turquoise, pink plaid, and some muslin. 
I whipped up these adorable reusable treat sacks.

These bags will be perfect for Valentine's Day coming up and every other holiday.
Fill them up with you favorite sweet treats! 

It feels SO good to have made a project on my own! 
So simple and adorable. 

Linkin' up with I {heart} Naptime's Sundae Scoop and Tatertots & Jello


  1. Those bags are too cute. Sewing is on my 'to learn' list :b

  2. Awesome job! Your pics are so great too.
