Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Let's have coffee..

If we were to sit down for coffee I would tell you...

I was sick on NYE. Huge bummer. I woke up in the middle of the night SICK. We had invited six friends over and one of them was my bff from Missouri. We had a messy house to straighten and goodies to cook and I couldn't help with any of it. As a matter of fact, I barely made it to the shower and dressed before our friends arrived. The Mr. was a champ he went non-stop all day and still was able to entertain our friends. I feel asleep on the couch while they played board games, was up to ring in the new year, and crashed a few hours before everyone else. 

We have a new residence for February/March in Florida. I got to try out my new wifely duties as real estate agent and find us a place to live during spring training. It isn't easy, and it isn't cheap. I'm not complaining that the Cardinals hold their camp in a pricey part of Florida because we could be in a dump hole city. The problem arises when older folks migrate south for the winter along with two ball clubs and all their fans. Simple economics of supply and demand. After several phone calls and emails, today we found a cute (I'm hoping) studio apartment in our price range. Also I'm dreading packing so I might start next week. 

I started working out. I always teased BD that I want to work out with him. Well I did yesterday and today typing is about the only movement I can do that doesn't trigger some muscle soreness. Yikes. It's like having a personal trainer. It's hard but I'm working through it and hopefully it will get easier. I don't work out as long as BD so while I wait I have been working here. Go watch that video and tell me your not motivated. I've also committed to drinking significantly less soda. I'm a huge Mountain Dew lover but lately I've been feeling the effects way to much. I must start drinking water. BD teases me I'm a 90 year old woman -- I'm 24 I want to feel like it dang it. 

Hunger Games. Like the rest of the world I've been engrossed in this popular series. This is what I've fallen asleep to the last few nights. So glad BD's family got me the new Kindle Fire for Christmas. Go.Read.It.Now. (Unless you have other important things to do, because you won't be able to put it down)

Slogging. I've been a slacking blogger. However, I'll have free time the next few days while the Mr. has to go on a work trip. Guess that means I'll have time to craft and watch things on TV other than football while I miss him. 

But for now what would you share with me?

Post inspired by Rags to Stitches Boutique


  1. Aw! When I got pregnant with Vincent I began limiting myself to two sodas (or less) per day. Obviously, when I was pregnant I didn't drink caffeine but after he was born I stuck to the soda rule. I like it. Two is probably still too much, but yeah... o well.

    Also, I've been working out to "Walk Away the pounds" videos. I actually like it. And I got one of those shaker weights which is shockingly not as easy as it looks. I'm weak. But the video is something someone with no rhythm, like me, can still do at home. Do you like working out at a gym?

  2. Oh, and I like your word "slogging." I'm right there with you!
