Thursday, January 12, 2012

First Date

Pinned Image
Today...I get my new sewing machine. I'm just going to warn you from here on out you will hopefully be seeing lots of sewing projects.

I always used to dread going into fabric stores with my mom. 
Not anymore. I guess deep down she did pass on her love of fabric.I know that she is SO excited and can't wait to see what I come up with.

I've been contemplating a sewing machine for quite some time. As our move to FL for a 
short 6 weeks approaches, I've decided I have to choose which craft stuff I will be toting along. Of course naturally you'd say ALL OF IT, but it won't fit and I won't stay organized. We have a small studio apartment and I don't feel right junking the thing up. Instead I'm gonna focus on learning something new that is more portable. 

I've been brainstorming projects and pinning things like crazy. I have high hopes and big ideas but these are semi long term goals.

I have been waiting for this all week and I'm ready for our first date. 


  1. I love that picture! I lusted over a sewing machine for like 2 months before buying mine, and then of course I received it like 2 weeks before our move! Now that we're settled, I need to open it! Yes... I havent even opened the box... :(

    See, you're inspiring me!

  2. This is so cool! Good luck with your new hobby. Sewing is so intimidating to me. :)

  3. Girl I just busted out my sewing machine last week and my hubby is gone tonight so I am going to practice!! Let's swap stories :-)

  4. so exciting! i would looooooooove to learn how!

  5. I've never used a sewing machine before. My mom & all the women back in the family used it.

  6. good luck!! i bought one a couple months ago to tackle my slipcover. wowza!!

    love your blog! new follower!


  7. I have been searching for a cheap sewing machine so I am super jealous of your new love affair with yours! Good Luck tackling it & getting creative :)

    love your adorable blog! new follower from Friday follows!

    xoxox ashlyn

  8. i just realized I'm not following you ---- weirddddddd.

  9. I've been wanting a sewing machine too! I saw a super cute project book at the Missouri Botanical Garden called "Sewing Green: 25 Projects Made with Repurposed & Organic Materials" that made me want one. I love the scarf on the cover.

    I was thinking about getting a small, handheld one (About $15 at Walmart) but I wasn't sure if I would actually use it. I can't wait to see what you come up with!
