Friday, December 9, 2011

Magic of Christmas

Hello friends. Are you all scurrying to finish your Christmas shopping and holiday decorating. Do you have lots of parties to attend and goodies to bake? Have you been looking for opportunities to give this holiday season? Read on..

Growing up my parents always made sure we had presents under the tree. When you are younger you don't even thing of the financial side of Christmas. As we grow older we come to realize just how blessed we are to have presents under the tree. 

Is it really about presents? This year my siblings and I are tossing around the idea of not giving each other gifts. A lot of time throughout the year we will surprise one another with a little something just because and that is enough for me. Honestly now that I have moved ten hours away from my family, time is the only gift I want this year. Spending time with them is priceless. We always have a good time, always. As our family begins to expand with husbands and girlfriends it just becomes that much more fun!

There is something that has been heavy on my heart the last few weeks. I want to be able to give. I want to be able to help, even just one person this Christmas. I know how blessed I am and I want to share that with someone else. If I can help more, wonderful, but one was what I was looking for. 

I have been praying for an opportunity to be able to help someone in need this holiday season.

I received a text asking if I would like to help a child in need. I asked for more info and this is the email that followed.

Hey Lauren,

Here’s the info

I have a partnership with Children’s Mercy Hospital in Kansas City. Right now we are selling gift albums for the children there as a Christmas gift. We have specific albums geared toward boys and girls filled with about 20 different toys and gifts for Christmas. Here is a picture of the album they get to choose from:
 747910 - Ribbon Kaleidoscope Gift Collection

They are $30 per album with free shipping. We will be delivering them to the kids at Children’s Mercy on December 23rd. For some of the kids, this will be their last Christmas…. and we’re trying to make it as special as possible. We did it last year and it was very well received by the children and their families! Please let me know what you think or if you know anyone else that wants to donate too.

Answered prayer? I think so. I asked Brandon if he cared if I bought two. I absolutely love kids, if you know me, you know this. Two children in particular.  Honestly if we could afford it, I would buy 50. I hope that is the case some day. 

Would you like to help?

Here's how:
Item # 747910 for Kaleidoscope Ribbon Ensemble

Ship to: (make sure you ship to this address so they arrive there so she can deliver them)
Chelsea Weingarten
14009 Barkley St. Apt 802
Overland Park, Kansas

If you've been praying to help make a difference, this might be the answer you were looking for also. If you decide to donate an album or two please leave me a comment or email me so I can let Chelsea know. - Thanks!

Happy Holidays. 

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