Friday, December 16, 2011

Busy Schedules

I find it a perfect time to share this piece of our life.

I had this misconception that once we got married things would be easier. I realize that in fact its going to be harder. We are now a unit a team but both of our lives constantly tug in opposite directions for reasons of work and family. We will be spending several days away from one another through baseball camps/conferences, family functions, and through the 2012 baseball season.  Let the crazy schedules begin. We have four trips planned over the next four weeks, only one of which I am not going on.
Brandon's workouts are underway and before we know it we will be packing for the sunshine state. I often wonder if its worth it the next few weeks to even get settled at our house. Things like install a kitchen pantry, paint and put the doors back on kitchen cabinets, etc.

This season especially might be a suprise for me. I've never lived with Brandon through the season. I would just visit every three to four weeks over the weekend. The last three years I've known him, except for this past season, he has spent the entire season in one city. Stable. At this level chances of being called up and sent back down from St. Louis to Memphis are likely.

I'm starting now preparing for the phone call coming at any minutes notice telling me I need to pack our unfurnished apartment and meet him in a different city. Just like that uprooted. To make things worse I have a slight case of puppy fever but I'm hoping that passes soon. I'm not to sure I want to throw another variable into this crazy chaos just yet.

1 comment:

  1. So jel u will be w ur baseballer! I only saw austin three times last season bc of work!! Blaaah
