Tuesday, November 29, 2011

New Job {ish}

Before I moved and became a Mrs. I was nannying those two sweet children. Now that I am in Alabama some days I feel lost. Not lost because I don't love it there but because I don't have an employer that I have to report to each day. I won't say this is how it HAS to be, but if I want to be able to spend any time with  my husband the first year of our marriage, this is how I want it to be. 

As much as this is how I want it to be, it isn't easy. So I decided to start my own small business,again. I feel like I am failing I've tried several times. None the less I start the process again.  I think, and think, and think what I can create for my shop that everyone else isn't. I think about this in the car. I wonder antique shops for ideas. I browse Pinterest. I lay awake at night thinking about it. I wake up thinking about it. I let it own me. GAH GET OUT OF MY HEAD BRAINSTORMING! When I moved and went through all this craft stuff and seen all the things I've created I couldn't help but wonder why can't I build a small business. Talk about depressing.

So..I started (another) Etsy shop {laurendarlings} a week before the wedding. I create hand painted wooden signs. I love making them but I can't hang them all in our home. There is too many.  At this point I haven't made any sales, just created gifts for friends and family.

I'm not trying to become a millionaire - ha, I would've hung it up long ago. The thing I love about creating for people is building relationships, making new friends, and making unique customized products exactly like YOU want them. Not a stock item that there are hundrerds of copies just the same as yours.

Taking the leap of faith is hard. You want people to love your products as much as you love making them. It doesn't work like that though. The internet is SO huge these days and although barriers to entry are low to becoming and Etsy shop owner, its about creating something that people need or want, find affordable, good quality, and stands out from the rest. Need I add that today's economy is not in its greatest form, but don't let that get you down cause thats always an unknown.

So what I was getting at was that  I'm not giving up. No way, I'll do whatever it takes. I finally have the time to create and make things I love and I'm not a quitter. All I wanted to do was document how frustrated it is getting started so I can look back and remember - hey thats where I started. Thats where we all start when we are chasing a dream. For some its easier. Others it takes years and years of work.

What I'm asking from you (pretty please) is what would you like to see go up in my shop? I'm open for ANY and ALL ideas and I'll do my best to create something you'll love. I can do personalized wedding gifts. Gifts and decor for baby nurseries and childrens rooms. Holiday decor. Home decor. You let me know what you want. Please. 

Finally, if you are interested in doing a giveaway on YOUR blog of one custom made sign email me at larn.levy@gmail.com After all it is the season of giving.

1 Peter 4:10 
Each one should use whatever gift he has recieved to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms.


  1. Aw. Good luck sweetie! I know you can do this! I don't really know how to say it because I know you're feeling a little lost... but some days I envy your life. There, I said it. Not that I don't have an awesome life, because I do, but you have the freedom to create. And now, create for a living! What an exciting opportunity, Lauren, and one I know you'll take with great success. Seeing how much we have in common by reading your blog, I often wonder why we didn't have a friendship in high school. Meh. High school...

  2. I am a new follower of your blog thanks to ruthie (: I am definitely interested in doing a giveaway of one of your signs, it might be a little while though, because I want to do my first one when I reach 100 followers and right now I'm at 66 (:
