Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Give It Away

Hey everybody, I made gumbo!!! Okay NOT really but that is a movie quote I hear repeated all the time. Anyone guess it and I'll give you....... a nice big ol' shout out on the blog.

In all seriousness, I'm sorry I haven't been around but I know you understand. You can see that I'm not to down in the dumps and that time really does help the healing process. Also Brandon and I have had one another to help get through this rough time and I can say we've already grown closer because of the loss. 

Just wanted to give you a heads up that I'm giving away TWO free triple felt rosette clips over there at Home Is With You... 

They look like this: Ohhhh. Ahhhhh. 

They can be clipped to a metal or elastic headband or directly in your hair and they work for ALL ages.

I have a jillion colors available and if you win her giveaway I let you customize your own colors. Also at some point (no time frame set) I will have them available via Etsy. For now if you just can't stand not having one, shoot me an email or leave a comment and I will contact you. 

What colors would you pick if you won?

1 comment:

  1. I am very excited about your giveaway. If you ever want to host a giveaway over on my blog, please let me know! I would love to feature your stuff and review it for my NYC crowd!

    Also, I have a giveaway going on over on my blog right now if you want to enter!

