Sunday, June 5, 2011

Photo Shoot

The last few days I have been working my little phalanges off trying to get a decent inventory for the Chocolate Ball coming up in only 11 days & working a little overtime with the kids. Today I decided before I forget, and time gets away, or I sell all these beauties (fingers crossed) I must get some documentation. Plus I did not want to sit on the assembly line all day. A girl needs a break okay!

Today would have been a lot quicker and cooler had my sister been here to be my photographer. Why do you live so far away!? Instead... I had to do it myself. I usually do not mind DIY but do you know how hard it is to get good pictures without the awkward arm or camera in the shot? Here is what I got out of countless photos, seriously I do not know how many I took. I relied on the ever faithful Picnik to crop out the camera making them presentable. I love that website.

[This is a photo of one of the Blossom making steps]

[Red,White,and Blue Blossoms for The 4th of July]

This next photo summarizes my time I will wait and let someone else man the camera. Did I mention it was 90 degrees outside. Not exactly perfect picture weather but I managed to keep a smile.

And that is my photo shoot. I think I have a slight crush on photography. Maybe soon I can get some models.

Thanks for letting me share. 

P.S. Nail polish is by Essie. Color/Geranium. Perfect for summer! I love it.

1 comment:

  1. I think you did a great job! You are a pretty model :D THough I agree it's difficult to shoot yourself. Ha. I love photography lingo.
