Thursday, June 9, 2011

Dear Future Husband

Tonight I am not loving being five hours or more away from you because who knows what city or state you are playing in now. I could name ten things right off the bat we could be doing this summer. You would also need to have a different job that did not require you to work pretty much every summer day and night providing others with their entertainment. 

But you do have a job (thankful) that is going to provide for our future (thank you) that you love playing (bonus for you) and is fun (bonus for us) and you get to wear a uniform (bonus for me) that lets us meet lots of friends (bonus for them). Just kidding on the last one. No really though we are fun to hang out with aren't we? Remember last year we went to the movies with three other couples, now it is just you and me. How did that happen? I digress...

What I am trying to say is although that list below is really really appealing, I'll enjoy those five hour rides on 55. I will enjoy it so we can spend the weekend together. Half of it you're at work, a quarter of it we spend sleeping, and the other quarter I spend cooking so you do not have to eat the fine clubhouse cuisine, doing your laundry you tell me NOT to do, and squeezing in as many possible hugs and kisses. 

One day it won't be like this. So for now I realize it could be a lot worse. I am thankful it isn't. We are learning to love one another through the distance and challenges. We are growing closer even though we are far apart. We are hopefully helping others realize they are blessed to have the summer months to spend doing fun activities with ones they love. So here is the list of things that will probably bum you out that we can't do unless we do them at extremely strange hours of the day or on our own without one another.

1. Go hit golf balls at the driving range
2. Sit/walk by the lake
3. Hang out by the pool
4. BBQ
5. Shoot guns
6. Go fishing
7. Go out for ice cream
8. Have a camp fire with S'mores
9. Go camping at the beach
10. Take a float trip

Looking forward to our next short visit, whenever that may be. Maybe we can BBQ some breakfast kabobs.


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