Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas 2010

Here are this years Christmas cards. It took me days to come up with an idea for them and finally this is what I settled on. I always try to take the time and write a note in my cards.  I love the idea of a Christmas letter...maybe in the years to come.

 I did not make enough of the above card to hand out at church. I quickly put together these. 

This holiday season we ventured to Pine Mountain, Georgia to see the Christmas light display at Callaway Gardens. We took our new video camera and sadly the battery died at the seventh day of Christmas so I snapped a few shots on my old camera.

Brandon's mom and dad gave me a new camera for Christmas. I was STOKED! The pictures off the old one were okay, but I had to take about four of each picture to get one to turn out. Here is a few pics with the new.

  Christmas trees at the Levy house.

 Me and my fiancĂ©e. Thats a story for another post.

Me with my siblings. It is crazy how different Christmas gatherings become the older you get. 

Hope you all had a joyous Christmas. Wishing many blessings to you and yours.


“When they saw the star, they rejoiced with great joy!”   Matthew 2:10

Friday, December 17, 2010

Almost 2011

It is that time of year...almost. Everyone will be busting out their resolutions for the new year.  I have never tried exactly to make one resolution and stick to it.  I typically choose five to 10 things I would like to change or work on over the next 365 days. Here is what I have so far.  Hopefully I can add a few.

  • Continue to learn God's Word and share with others.
  • Worry less. Pray more.
  • Spend less time on social networking sites. This blog doesn't count :)
  • Create a new item to sell with some portion being donated to a charity or foundation.
  • Be more open minded to new and different foods.
  • Volunteer.
  • Improve physical fitness levels.
  • Be a better friend, daughter, sister, granddaughter, and girlfriend. 
  • Be on time early.

This has been a successful attempt at being early.


Isaiah 33:6
"and He will be the stability of your times.."

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Sneak Peek

I really really hate when this happens...

...so I apologize in advance if your card got stamped like this. Just kidding I would NEVER send that out... I am a perfectionist.

In other news, I've been spending lots of time here...

And wearing something like this...

This is lots of new for me and really a HUGE step out of the comfort zone. I used to stay in the van when I was little because I did not want to get out and walk through the woods because I was afraid of bugs. I'm not proud of that. I am positive my parents are wishing Brandon would have come along sooner. Perhaps then I would have actually been able to contribute to the yard work and such. Never to late I suppose.

 I have really grown to like being outdoors and like to be helpful to Brandon and his adventures.  It is great to be out before the sun is up and watch how nature comes alive with the light. Another of my favorite parts is the conversations we have. Great bonding. I am so glad he is eager for me to learn and that he wants me to come along.  

I have a second interview with a bank next week. Hoping I get the job there even though I know that will pry into my 'not do anything' time, not sure how I feel about that but I need to work, just part of life. Still hoping that someday I will be using my creative talents for work.

I am slowly getting used to my new work space as you can see above. I finished my Christmas cards. Now I just need to write and send them! 


Psalm 50:1 
The Mighty One, God, the LORD, speaks and summons the earth from the rising of the sun to the place where it sets.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Cram Session

It has been 23 days since the big move.  Three have consisted of the ten hour drive from Union to Marbury, five have been spent back in U-Town for the Thanksgiving holiday, five were spent on a mini vacation to Pigeon Forge/Gatlinburg Tennessee, and finally a total of ten unconsecutive days have been spent in my new town of Marbury.  PHEW, just saying that exhausts me. I will try to give you the quickest recap including some of my favorites so far.
The drive down was long and uneventful. My least favorite part was losing in a game of twenty questions. Who would have thought he would have picked the item I was holding in my hand the entire game. We only played ONE round. I am a sore loser.  My favorite part was the quality time with Brandon. I am not living at Brandon’s house but staying next door with his Grandmother Hazel and Grandfather Joe (which I most likely from here on out will refer to as Mema and Papa).  There will surely be some great posts that result of this living arrangement.

On to Tennessee.. Brandon’s aunt offered us their four night time share in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee.  It took about five minutes for us to decided if we should pack up for a five hour drive to the mountains. Great decision considering we could never do this from the months of March until September . It rained the first day so we hit the shopping outlet and Brandon cooked me dinner. Check out the gourmet meal. He is definitely a keeper. =)

Day two was spent driving to Brandon’s old stomping grounds of Tusculum College and visiting the McCrarys in Greenville. We visited, they took us to diner and we watched hunting videos from back in the day. If you want to meet a couple that will rock your world, here you go. God has given them an awesome mission and they continue to live each day to serve others.

Cades Cove is a national park in the Smokies that Brandon has visited many of times. It is an 11 mile loop that you drive/walk/bike and observe the beautiful scenery and wildlife. Nine hours later we had spotted 40+ turkey, 60+ deer, and two black bear. It was an AWESOME day! Check out some

Mr. 11 Point

I’m sorry that wasn’t as short as you would have hoped but you can see I have been busy.  I haven’t even been able to tell you about all the other welcomes from some of Brandon’s friends and church family but I know that they will also provide me many posts in the future. I’m still looking for employment but know that God is making sure that my foundation here is strong and that I am settled before he gives me something I am not ready for. I know it will happen when it is right. For now I am enjoying spending time with Brandon, working on myself as a Christian, learning to have an open mind, and trusting God. It is amazing to say the least. 


Psalm 27:14
Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Southern Accent

I have arrived and started to settle in. The road trip was long to say the least, but we made it after a heated game of 20 questions, the ipod, and even some quiet time.  Tuesday we went to town ( only a 15 minute ride) and hit up the Hobby Lobby. Always a good stop and on my first day. I have a feeling I will be back many many more times.  We went through some stuff at Brandon's mom's and found some trinkets that I could destroy and repair. We made it home Tuesday with stuff for about seven different projects.  It is a little difficult because I am still using my supplies out of their boxes until I get time, the shelves, and space organized. Not that eager about that after just going through everything to get it here in the first place.

  Anyway this is my first weeks project, an old jewelry box.  I couldn't locate my camera battery charger before I started the renovation but you can 
see what it used to be in later pics.


Saturday, November 6, 2010

No 'MO' Posts

Well, the last cards have been sent from Union Mo. Today I will be spending the day packing (ICK) but knew that this post would be delayed until Turkey Day or later if I didn't take the time to write.  I don't know why, but I LOVE sending Halloween cards. I guess when you get older you do not go trick-or-treating anymore, until you have kids, so its still nice to get a little something.

Stickles are AWESOME! They are essentially glitter and glue all in one. Genius!

I hope I continue on the Halloween Card tradition in years to come.

I also used my creative talents to prepare a 
Tinkerbell costume for someone special.
 Take a peek.

Skirt made from elastic with green tule tied around it. Easy!

Then I used the sewing skills I have learned from my momma to create this dress out of some  stretchy lycra.  It turned out perfect.  Wings came from the Dollar Tree and POOF! I shocked myself to be honest.  I present Tinkerbell and her Cowboy buddy!

Hope you had a GREAT Halloween. 19 days 'til Thanksgiving. 
My next post will be from southern ground and I am sure this blog will venture from my craft projects to daily life in Alabama.


Sunday, October 31, 2010


It has been such a joy working with this family for the last 11 months.  Friday was my last day.  It is so bittersweet I can't even describe.  In life you get called in different directions.  This job has been absolutely perfect for me, but it is time I am being called into a different direction. Yesterday and today were the little one's birthday parties! Below are the invitations I created for each party. What a blast. I am so thankful they asked me to join them.  

Shout out to my sister for her amazing print! Very fancy. Thanks KARL!

Bug's Invites


What a blessing in disguise. They are such amazing kids. I will miss them more than words can say. God has taught me many MANY lessons and they have truly changed my life. I am so excited to be a mother someday!!

I have one more post coming 
soon before the BIG move. 
Apologies for the lag time between.

Happy Halloween!


Friday, September 24, 2010

New Stuff

Where y'all been? Just kidding. September has slipped right through my hands. I cannot figure out how time has passed so quickly! Like August, September is a busy month for my family and special occasions. Four birthdays and an anniversary. Yes I have cards for them and they received them, I just haven't had and taken the time to photograph and document them.

Onto the new stuff..
My mom, Becky, owns her own embroidery business. She also can make signs with cut vinyl and custom design shirts with thermoflex or fashionfilm.  Similar to my situation with the Chocolate Ball in April, she got last minute notice of a business fair going on at the bank where she holds her business account.  She also learned a new technique about four days ago and decided with my help we could whip up some pretty cute stuff for the upcoming holidays. 

Take this for example.  Normally, you see something like this with rhinestones. Mom and I decided, okay she decided, to use some of her 'poor man rhinestones.' (fasionfilm/thermoflex just material similar to vinyl)  It is then heated and pressed on the garment. WAY easier than rhinestone application process and personally I think cuter. I advised her that this concept would be a huge hit with kids clothes. Who got so excited about tiny kids clothes?  I DID. I DID!!! We have newborn sizes to kids 6/7 and all kinds of colors and styles. I created many different designs on the computer. Good thing I am a fast leaner. If I continue to design on the computer I will be needing glasses and a comfy desk chair.

Here are some of the examples of stuff we made at the wee hours of the morning on Friday. I got to bed around 4:45 a.m. and had to be at work by 8 a.m. CRAZY!

6 month creepers - so small. so adorable!

Long sleeve black tee

Baby Romper - spider on right leg

HAHA! Please tell me you laughed out loud. Yes disgusting. Babies can get away with anything and at three a.m. this was HILARIOUS!!!


This orange creeper is for my favorite tiny man. If you don't know who I am talking about, check out the Kids page on my blog. He will be SUCH a stud in this.  The little girl will be decked in the long sleeved black tee with Pumpkin Princess. I will try as hard as I can to get a picture of these cuties before I move to Alabama in November. 

Here are some more ideas non kid related but still very awesome. We had limited time so we did not get to do a sample of everything we wanted. You think of it...we can do it!!

I Do Koozie

Quilted cosmetic bag with initial

So let me recap for you. I love kids, kids clothing, and being creative and designing things.  This is perfect because it combines all of those elements.  I am really hoping I can help market these products for my mom.  This could potentially be a job that will provide me with some mobility that I will be needing as I jump on board with my significant other's crazy schedule.  I am planning on moving all my craft stuff with me so I can continue to create...but I know God has a bigger plan for me, possibly in the kids apparel/boutique area. I couldn't be more thankful for the ways that he will decided to reveal(or not reveal) this to me. I gotta keep dreaming big and have faith! 

Hope you enjoyed these and found some comic relief. If you need any gifts you know where to find me. I always welcome suggestions.

God is good!
