Sunday, December 12, 2010

Sneak Peek

I really really hate when this happens... I apologize in advance if your card got stamped like this. Just kidding I would NEVER send that out... I am a perfectionist.

In other news, I've been spending lots of time here...

And wearing something like this...

This is lots of new for me and really a HUGE step out of the comfort zone. I used to stay in the van when I was little because I did not want to get out and walk through the woods because I was afraid of bugs. I'm not proud of that. I am positive my parents are wishing Brandon would have come along sooner. Perhaps then I would have actually been able to contribute to the yard work and such. Never to late I suppose.

 I have really grown to like being outdoors and like to be helpful to Brandon and his adventures.  It is great to be out before the sun is up and watch how nature comes alive with the light. Another of my favorite parts is the conversations we have. Great bonding. I am so glad he is eager for me to learn and that he wants me to come along.  

I have a second interview with a bank next week. Hoping I get the job there even though I know that will pry into my 'not do anything' time, not sure how I feel about that but I need to work, just part of life. Still hoping that someday I will be using my creative talents for work.

I am slowly getting used to my new work space as you can see above. I finished my Christmas cards. Now I just need to write and send them! 


Psalm 50:1 
The Mighty One, God, the LORD, speaks and summons the earth from the rising of the sun to the place where it sets.

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