Thursday, April 29, 2010

My Debut

Much to my surprise, there was no all-nighter! I decided to not think and just do. Got a table, samples, and decorative pieces out to see what I was working with.

Not bad right? Its a start and HUGE confidence booster. I've made a ton of things. Once I dug them out of all the nooks and crannies, I realized this. I slept pretty easy. I don't know if you ever thought about all that goes into a display, but I kept thinking there was something missing here, I was forgetting this or that. Hard to think of everything but I feel like I did a pretty good job. 

Iwas a little worried when I didn't have any type of business card at 2 pm today, so I threw something together pretty darn fast. Like my sister said, if you make paper crafts shouldn't you make your business card. Dang she is smart.. oh yeah I have an email address now too,

Here Iam!! This is so exciting for me.  All afternoon I knew that it was going to go well. I mean who actually would come up to me and say, "your stuff is terrible!" Exactly. NO ONE! everyone that I talked to was absolutely wonderful. It was also great to see my good friends so incredible that they came to share my exciting night with me. They all had such nice things to say and I have never considered myself an artist before.  I have some exciting projects I will be working on. The Love Letters were a hit! The dresses too. The input was amazing and of course new ideas are born! I made my first $12 dollars (yes I will probably do something crafty with it to save it). YAY! not that I was trying to get rich quick. I thoroughly enjoy what I do, and what I make!! 

It was the Chocolate Ball... so I had to have some chocolate at my table to give away. They are Hershey miniatures with the word 'thanks' stamped on paper and wrapped around them. Although I think many thought they weren't to eat and that it was part of wIat I make like wedding favors or something.  I have extras. have no fear I am not wasteful. i have come up with an idea to use them for. I'm going to start keeping them in my purse or car, and when I go to a restaurant i'll start leaving them on the table or perhaps give them to the checker at the grocery store or the teller at the bank! Or I will enjoy a little snack of my own and then give thanks to the Master Artist. I think we should all give thanks! ALWAYS!

I am excited for all that i will be doing and creating in the next couple months. It was a little sad to turn the lights of at my work space but I need a few days to recoup and I will be back healing soon! 

"Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up."
Galatians 6:9


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