Thursday, May 27, 2010

First Order!

Well, its finally here. My first order complete! Ten invitations for a bachelorette party. I have known about the order for about four weeks now, and haven't really been brainstorming or preparing. I have had the color information of the wedding and initially thought that I would do something not related to the theme, but more traditional pre wedding party style such as hot pink and black with a zebra print, or include some shoes or dresses.  I decided to try something a  little different since I believe the party is actually more of a weekend and it isn't going to be just one crazy night. 

Here is what the wedding inspiration board looks like: 

This is what I came up with....

So what do you think? Was I close to the theme or way off? I was very excited with how they turned out and  you probably wouldn't believe me if I told you I started these Wednesday night around 8 p.m. and finished them Thursday at around 5 p.m. and blogged about them by 7:30..  Less than 24 hours... I am pretty pleased.  

I have to go get working on my second order...wait and see! Check back soon.

One more thing.  I have been having an identity crisis as for a business name. For some reason I can't find the right one to fit. I have Googled adjectives, spent at least two hours bouncing names off my sister, some of which included, KardYard, Yellow Canary Stationary, KindArted, WhoArted (LOL) and many many more. It was very entertaining. I think I have landed one that I really like doubleLDesigns. I like this because my initials are LL and also the captial L and D will be representative of my new initials. No, that is not a hint of anything, I am just 100% sure I will be LD someday.

For now,

double L

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Sew Happy

I've been experimenting with some new techniques lately. They involve Mom's sewing machine. It is slightly addictive. She is, "Thrilled I am using it, even if it is just with paper."  I actually broke the needle the first time I tried using it. I felt like a little kid when I admitted breaking it. I thought she would be angry but instead she happily gave me a sewing 101 lesson to set me straight.  Pocket cards are also hot for me right now. The sewing machine makes them very simple too.

There is nothing like my last minute creations. I guess I just work better under pressure..sometimes. You know that feeling of  'Oh no I forgot to get a card..I guess I will go to Walgreen's, yep that one. Luckily enough for my sister and other family members they come to ME! Here is the wedding card I made, eat your heart out Hallmark. =)

Love Birds

I am sew thankful, I hope you are too!


Thursday, May 13, 2010

Baked Art, if you want to call it that!

I started this tradition that I didn't realize would last or that I would feel compelled to continue.  In the very beginning, I was pestered and teased into making brownies for my someone special.  He joked but I couldn't just NOT follow through and let him think I didn't know how or that I didn't like him enough.  Then when I realized he would be gone basically every other week, I started to send him some goodies to take on his road trip so he would remember what he had waiting for him when he got home.  Now it has gone from seeing each other every other week, to seeing each other maybe once a month. Still I continue to bake or make some type of goody to take when I visit so that he can still enjoy.  In the past it has been brownies due to the simplicity, chocolate chip cookies, or homemade Turtles, my mom will even send a cheesecake occasionally (once it flew in my checked luggage!). We must REALLY love him!  I have yet to find any type of treat that he doesn't like! Here is this visits treat. 


If you are wondering why the pan is not full, its because the dough got SO gooey that I had to but it back in the refrigerator  to chill, and I was slightly impatient to get them backing. 

One more thing, I tasted them to make sure they weren't bad, and of course they are wonderful!! Hopefully I don't get hungry on the drive there. 


Tuesday, May 4, 2010


My Grandma Pat and I share birthday weeks. Hers is on the 4th and mine the 5th. I realized last minute that I didn't have a bday card for her... this is what I whipped up. Short and sweet and Hallmark has something similar. I do appreciate their ideas but I make them my own in some way or another.  She liked her card and she appreciated the button embellishments..a couple weeks she gave me a whole bag full. I think she liked them in this form better. 

It was great to spend time with them at dinner which was amazing. Even the birthday dessert was DELICIOUS..although we did have plans for Ted Drews .. I took a rain check!


Live your life for God, 
and He will bless your days.

Sunday, May 2, 2010


I realized this weekend, that not only am I creative, it runs in my family! This weekend was my sister's wedding reception in Weston, Kansas City. It was great to visit with family and celebrate again. The actual wedding was in February in Copper Mountain and it too was amazing. My mom is such an amazing cook. Here is the triple layer cheesecake, surrounded my the chocolate, white, and carrot cupcakes. SO delicious! I had two pieces and a cupcake.. oops!

My sister, Karla, chose the different flowers  and picked them up fresh from the river market and Saturday morning we arranged them into such beautiful centerpieces.  She also had a vision of lighting with candles in mason jars. It was incredible. Although this picture doesn't depict the beauty that illuminated at night it gives an idea.

All in all I realized that I come from a very talented family and couldn't be more blessed and excited for their help on my special day in the future.

The LEVY Family
